Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Holiday weekends are wonderful. Family, food, flags and fun-almost all of the ingredients to a great fourth of july weekend!

We began the holiday weekend by making some homemade strawberry jam. There are few things better than the smell of strawberry jam filling the house.

Aeris dressed as Lady Liberty and Ephraim was a firecracker-nothing unusal for him though! I had this hat with streamers and sparkles coming out of it but it just kept falling lopsided. The sweet boy kept trying to hold it in place for me...he knew I worked hard making them holiday costumes. It just broke my heart seeing him trying to please me like that. I probably gave that kid ten thousand kisses that afternoon.

After the town parade, we came home for a cookout and then a little downtime before dinner and fireworks.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!

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