Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Felt Leaf Garland Tutorial

The folks at National Nonwovens sent me some new samples a bit ago. The colorways of Beautiful Earth and Naturally Inspired are perfect for fall. And since today is the first day of fall, I thought it was a fitting project.

When I was laying in bed sick, I needed to find something creative that I could do sans sewing machine, sans sitting upright, sans any movement at all.

I gathered these colors up along with a fat quarter of Anna Maria Horner's Good Folks collection and started cutting out leaves. Once I had a good pile of them I just alternated colors and sizes, layering and stacking felt and fabrics, sewing them together with long stitches of embroidery thread.

I ended up with some beautiful felt, fall foliage that I think will find it's place in my living room window.

Grab the template, felt, and fabric to make your own!


  1. This is a wonderful idea! Such a great way to use up felt and fabric scraps. I may do this with my kids this weekend. If I blog about it, I'll be sure to link back to you, thanks!

  2. Your clever Fall garland is beautiful. Thank you for sharing how to. Happy creating...
    P.S. Hope you are feeling much better.

  3. I love the combination of felt and fabric. I jsut clicked over from Craft Gossip and I'm so glad I did. I would love to link to this if you didn't mind.

  4. I'm linking this to my blog! So cute.

  5. just found this from the kind over matter post. very cool. hope to give it a try...need to get felt & fabric soon. thanks for sharing.
