Friday, July 30, 2010

P-Dub Love

You know...The Pioneer Woman...

I was in a rut a while ago and couldn't figure out what to cook for dinner. Since then, I've been sort of cooking my way through her blog.

I'm not an amazing cook-I'll tell you that! But, if I read, I can follow a recipe and make edible food! Good food actually. My problem is that I don't read. I skim. I'm a visual person, what can I say? That's why I love Ree's recipes. She shows step by step images of each meal so it's really the eye candy that attracts me to each dish.

Lately, we've been into grilled pizza. I have a great dough recipe that goes from canister to table in about 30 minutes which is amazing for homemade dough. The Pioneer Woman had a great recipe for caramelized onion, prosciutto pizza and was only made better by some arugula with drizzled olive oil. I highly recommend! Also, try this, this, and this!

So if you haven't yet, give her a go!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Minnesota::Endless Bridge

Minnesota is a beautiful city-especially when it isn't covered in snow! The best part about visiting a new place is exploring...and that is pretty hard to do in snow shoes.

We woke up bright and early and went to the Endless Bridge. Fortunately, no one else was crazy enough to go look at architecture at 9am so I was able to get some nice shots without tourists.

If you're not familiar with it, the Endless Bridge is located in the Guthrie Theater in downtown Minneapolis. Architect Jean Nouvel designed the place to function as an observatory to the Mississippi River. It is one of the largest cantilevers of the world, measuring at an amazing 30 feet wide by 178 feet long!

The interior glows with a gorgeous blue hue and pays homage to the history of the theater and location through shadowed figures reflective imagery.

It is free to the public so I definitely recommend going if you have the chance!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Tuesday Tutorial: Apron TUTORIAL

I got some questions about the apron my daughter wore in the Cookbook photo shoot so I thought I'd share a quick tutorial with you. The dimensions could certainly be used for an adult as well!

Let's get started-it should take less than 30minutes!

1 fat quarter-1/2 yd (depending on your measurements) for main panel
1/4 yd of three fabrics for ruffles
grosgrain ribbon

sewing machine

1. Measure around your child's waist (or whoever will be wearing the apron) The measurement I used was 20.5.

2. Divide that number by 2, then add 2 inches. So 20.5/2=10.25+2=12.25

3. Measure your child from the belly button to their knee, then add 1. So we came out with 9+1=10.

Just to clarify, our rectangle to measure for the main apron panel will now be 10.25" wide x 10" long.

4. Cut 2 panels and lay them wrong sides together.

5. Fold the panels in half. Using a bowl or large cup, round out the corners. (You could also just eyeball it if you're ever so brave!)

6. Sew around the bottom perimeter of the apron and up the sides with 1/4" seam allowance on your sewing machine. (Leave the top open)

7. Turn the apron right side out, press.

8. Fold the top edges towards the inside of the apron with 1/4" seam allowance. Press. Set aside.

9. For the ruffle-Divide the length of the apron by 2. Since ours came out to 10, 10/2=5. Divide that number by 3. So 5/3=1.75 and I just rounded up to 2 to make my life a bit easier

10. Multiply the width of your apron by 2. Since ours was 10.25, 10.25x2=20.5 and I rounded up to 21.

To clarify, our ruffle measurements will now be 2"x21" (If you will not be using a serger, increase the height by 1" as you will need to fold each of the edges over 1/4" and press, then 1/4" and sew with a narrow stitch to finish each edge)

11. Create a rolled hem on the top and bottom edges of each of your ruffles with your serger.

12. On your sewing machine, run a basting stitch 1/2" from the top edge of each of your ruffles.

13. Cinch each ruffle to the width of the apron and pin the bottom in place, then sew on top of the basting line on your sewing machine. Repeat with the other two ruffles, one at a time.

14. For the tie: multiply the waist measurement by 2. Since ours was 21.5, I cut the ribbon to 43".

15. Center the ribbon over the apron panel and line the top edge of the ribbon with the top edge of the apron.

16. Using a narrow stitch, sew around the perimeter of the ribbon onto the apron body to attach it.

17. To finish the edges of the ribbon, you can either create a hem or carefully singe the edges of the ribbon with a lighter to melt the fibers to prevent fraying.

That's it!

Monday, July 19, 2010


We just got back from a long weekend in Minnesota and it was beautiful! I've visited the state a few times before but usually covered in snow-or pretty darned close. That place can be chilly!

The weather was perfect and my husband and I enjoyed lots of architecture, food and fabric!

I came home to some etsy orders I'm busy filling but in the mean time, here is a lovely giveaway I'm sponsoring!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Cloth Necktie Napkin Tutorial Page

It's always nice to dress up for dinner, especially if you're having a nice meal like spaghetti and meatballs!

Tuck in your napkin and slurp away without any worries-all while looking quite stylish!

This project is super quick and easy. Make a set of two or four and it would make a great last minute gift.

What you'll need:
makes 4 napkins
1 napkin template
1 yard of white fabric
4 fat quarters of fabric for the neckties

Sewing Machine

1. Cut 4 squares of white fabric measured at 19.5"x 19.5" (if you're not going to serge the edges, cut your squares at 20"x 20"

2. Run each square through your serger, creating a rolled hem on all four edges of each napkin.
(If you're not using a serger, fold the edges over 1/4" towards the wrong side and iron. Fold the edges over 1/4" again and iron. Sew around the perimeter of the napkin with 1/8" seam allowance to secure the hem.)

3. Cut your necktie out of the necktie fabrics using the template provided.

4. Fold your napkin in half, diagonally. Iron to make a crease. Fold your necktie in half lengthwise and press, making a crease.

5. On the diagonal line you ironed on the napkin, measure 5" down from the top point. Position the necktie on this line, matching the creases (this will ensure that the necktie is centered on the napkin)

6. With a 1/4" seam allowance, sew around the perimeter of your necktie to secure it to the napkin. Repeat to the other 3 neckties.

7. Throw them in the wash to get the raw edge to fray.

8. Tuck them in your shirt and allow a little silliness at the dinner table!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

NEW PATTERN! Felt Cookbook Cooking Set!

I am so excited to introduce you all to my newest pattern!

Blog Friends, meet my Cookbook Pattern!

This pattern is full of goodies your little one is sure to love, and you'll have a great time sewing it as well.

First, there's the cookbook. This book has a reverse applique cover and beautiful spine text, but the surprise is what's inside! I've designed custom recipe pages for printable fabric. There are six recipes in this book-and all of the patterns and instructions are included to make each dessert treat!

There are six treats included in the pattern:


caramel-fudge brownie


peanut butter cookies

cinnamon rolls

cherry pie with a fluted crust

You can't bake without ingredients, so I've also included canisters with flour, sugar and brown sugar as well as measuring cups.

You can head on over to Etsy to purchase the pattern for a reduced price today and tomorrow only!

This e-book has 21 pages of fully illustrated, step-by-step instructions and 39 pattern pages to be printed from your home computer.

Don't forget to share all of your baked goods in the flickr group!

I hope you all enjoy this pattern-I had so much fun creating it!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Holiday weekends are wonderful. Family, food, flags and fun-almost all of the ingredients to a great fourth of july weekend!

We began the holiday weekend by making some homemade strawberry jam. There are few things better than the smell of strawberry jam filling the house.

Aeris dressed as Lady Liberty and Ephraim was a firecracker-nothing unusal for him though! I had this hat with streamers and sparkles coming out of it but it just kept falling lopsided. The sweet boy kept trying to hold it in place for me...he knew I worked hard making them holiday costumes. It just broke my heart seeing him trying to please me like that. I probably gave that kid ten thousand kisses that afternoon.

After the town parade, we came home for a cookout and then a little downtime before dinner and fireworks.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday!


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