Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tiny Dancer (and a Winner)

We just got regular internet turned back on last night!  Whew!  I did not expect it to take that long and really thought we'd have it on when we moved in, usually do...  So, I apologize for the lack of posting this past week.

We're getting settled in nicely, though!  Only having the 3g available on our phones and iPad has made unpacking much more productive.  Allowing us to focus on getting the kids settled to their new lives and new environments.

Miss Aeris has had the most changes.  Before leaving she had a week full of two birthday parties, a dentist appointment, a doctor appoint (complete with immunizations), four days away from Mommy and Daddy staying at Grandma's house, and then her first day at preschool!  She also started dance recently and this week went much better than the last; I'd even say she had fun.  When I was uploading the pictures from class yesterday, she says, "Look Mommy, there are my friends!" 

Life is good.

I also want to mention the winner of the Giveaway last week!  Again, sorry for taking so long!  The winner is number six!  (You've been contacted via email for information about claiming your prize!)

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