Monday, December 19, 2011

Last Minute DIY Gift Ideas-Pincusion Roundup!

Pincushions are one of my favorite things!  I love to sew them, give them as gifts, or just have way too many of them lying around!

Here's a great collection I found of pin cushion tutorials for you and some fabulous places to purchase pins.

I love this little ring pin cushion from Inspiration & Realization, and these homegrown tomato ones from Martha are just classic. 

I love the simplicity of this square one from Heather Baily.  She also shares a great adornment to it for free!

For the foodie sewer in your life, this cupcake version from Nat Sprat seems a breeze to sew.   I loved this tea cup as well, but I found it on Pinterest and couldn't find a source.  If anyone knows, please share!

And finally, this one does not have a tutorial.  I'm showing it because it is my most favorite pincushion ever.  To me, it's like the huge purse that you can fit your entire life in, of pin cushions, and is from Anna Maria Horner's book Seams to Me.  The image is from Texas Freckles! (such a great new blog I just found through pinterest!)


  1. Here's the source for the tea pincushion

  2. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing websites that understand the value of providing a quality information. Thanks for sharing.
    buy cushions
