Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Winter Blues

Normally, around this time of year I feel pretty blah.  I think it's from taking down all the holiday decorations, twinkling lights and good cheer then being left with bitter cold snow.  This year, I feel excited!  I actually even considered making resolutions!  I like having goals, but New Years Resolutions seem silly to me.  It's like saying, "I'll start that diet on Monday..."  Why not just start today?

Maybe my mood has to do with the fact that we've had almost  no snow yet.  I think we've only got a couple of inches out there...if that.  Very strange for January in Wisconsin!  Or perhaps it's the fresh flowers.  I've been making a point to have more fresh flowers in the house; it's uplifting.  I love seeing flowers on the table every morning when I wake up.  I can't wait to start our garden this spring and have our own fresh flowers!

Anyhow, I'm trying to squeeze a few days out of Project Run and Play sewing to make Jason a new shirt!  I ordered this Colette pattern in the summer and am just now getting around to it, sorry hubs. 

While putting away Christmas decorations I found Ephraim's baby shoes!  Ready? on three. one. two. aweeeeeee!

Actually, they're probably only adorable to me because he had some large feet.  Ephraim is a big boy-an almost grown up!  He's turning FIVE in February and thinks he will be almost all grown up and able to do almost everything he wants.  Ha.

So, I'm going to get back at it.  I'm so excited to post these pictures for this Friday for Project Run and Play! Aren't you?!

1 comment:

  1. January is the worst. So dreary in general. Happy sewing - Friday is almost here! Wee!
