Thursday, March 8, 2012

Diary of a Mad Fat Girl (in a bubble bath)

Sometimes, I'm just way too tired to take a shower.  Do you ever feel that way?  There's so much to do in there that sometimes it just feels like there is too much effort involved at the end of a long day.  Usually on these nights I'll opt for a bath, just to de-stress, put my hair up and grab a book.

The book part became an issue recently, though...

I do most of my reading on the ipad now, which I love, but I can't take it into the tub.  I opted to read magazines for a while, but really, it's just not the same.  I like losing myself in a story while not worrying about what goes on on the other side of that bathroom door. 

I've not been much of a chick lit reader.  Actually, I'm pretty anti chick lit, chic lit, chiclet? Anyhow, I recently read Diary of a Mad Fat Girl.  It was funny and fast moving and easy to put down and pick up-the perfect kind of bath time book!  The narrator, Ace, is funny and sassy and feels like a friend everyone has.  The story takes place in the south, which I also enjoyed as I've been watching snow pile up outside of my windows.  It's a tale of friendship and strength and being there for one another, even if that means dressing in drag.  You can follow along with the discussion over here if you're interested in more.

Do you have any other light reading suggestions?  Or favorite type of bubble bath? :)

This is a paid review for BlogHer Book Club but the opinions expressed are my own


  1. Radox Shea Butter is great bubble bath - not too expensive and makes your skin delicious. I don't think this book is light but you certainly get lost in it. I am reading 'We need to talk about Kevin' and it is an interesting perspective and each chapter is written in letters so easy to read one at a time, although it is a page turner! But does make you think about things and I like that.

  2. I'm not sure if this will work for reading on the ipad, but I put my Kindle in a ziplock bag when I read in the tub. I use the freezer ones and it works really well. I have actual buttons to turn the pages though, not sure if the touch screen would work through the bag.
