Monday, June 18, 2012

Unplugged Afternoons

Ephraim doesn't nap much anymore.  I've been told that most kids don't nap past three, so I should be grateful that he has napped as long as he has.  Aeris still sleeps in the afternoon after lunch though...and that baby loves her naps.

After nap seems to be the best time for an activity for us.  I'm usually done with whatever housework and errands I have and the kids don't have any activities of their own (dance, swimming, etc.)

The other day was a bit warm, but I couldn't stand being coupoed up in the house any longer.  The kids and I grabbed a quilt, a box of Bob books, and headed to the back yard. 

I think they really enjoyed just spending quiet time outside, with no iphones, ipads, ianythings.  Unplugged is good.

1 comment:

  1. Love it! We have also been dialing back the electronic "babysitters" and have had much easier nap times and more outside time! Here's to a great summer!
