Monday, December 7, 2009

Sometimes, I bake real things...

I'm no stranger to Wisconsin winters, or terrible winters for that matter. Coming from Chicago, I'm used to the cold, and the blowing, and the freezing your baby toes off. What I'm not used to is so much snow! I'm afraid it's just going to stay until June...

I do love when it's so cold outside that I can heat up the house with the oven. I love to bake, pie especially. My husband loves to eat sweets, pie especially. We work out nice like that.

Yesterday, I made that famous Pink Adobe apple pie with butter rum sauce mmmmmm. I've probably made this pie about fifty times and just put the raisins in, as the recipe suggests, for the very first time! I still picked them out, but my husband seemed to enjoy it. I hope you all had warm weekends!


  1. Hello! I saw your felt food giveaway, but was one day too late! Sad! hahaha I was wondering if I can still get the hot cocoa pattern if you are in my reader?


  2. Megan, the offer for the hot cocoa mug is definitely still open. I'll add a button at the top to make it more clear :) Just become a follower and I can email you the pattern! Thanks!
