Monday, December 14, 2009

Tutorial Tuesday-Embroidered Sketch

When I was in college, way back when, I was fortunate enough to spend three weeks in Italy. We were busy, busy from sun up to sun down touring chapels, climbing stairs, eating gnocchi, climbing stairs, tasting wine, climbing stairs and...climbing some more stairs. It was wonderful and someday, when I'm rich and famous from fancy art school, I will go back with my hubby and wave to him from the bottom of all the stairs he has climbed.

We are just starting to settle into our new place here so I will soon fill my walls with memories, but until I find the perfect gallery arrangements, I have this nice little embroidered sketch that I will share with you.

This is a sketch of a street lamp in Florence-Firenze as we say. I am providing you with the sketch from which I made this embroidery.

You can print it on 8.5 x 11 paper, tape it up on your window, and lay your fabric over it. That's really my preferred method of embroidery. I know there are transfers and all of that, but I really just never buy them for some reason.

So, I sketch with pen, on the fabric and embroider over it with 2 strands of embroidery floss. This project is really free form, just like sketching, so there isn't much more to tell you than that! I didn't exactly stay on the lines and made lots of little stitches where there was shading.

I think it really turned out to be beautiful and think I need to do one to match my bathroom. (I really find it difficult to find art for the bathroom. I over think it and wonder what would be appropriate, or inappropriate or just too boring...but that's neither here nor there and I've got a lot more sewing to work on for today!)

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