Monday, December 28, 2009

Un-decking the halls

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday! I spent mine at home this year, and we didn't leave once. That's a lie...I went to Target...but not until the day after Christmas.

I also went to Walmart...and that was the day after, after Christmas. Not five minutes after I was in the door did my son break an ornament on the tree and cause a spiral of packing up Christmas. My house feels very bare now. (except for the very large Thomas train table in my living room)

I've also been very busy over break! I have a fun tutorial for you tomorrow and will have a new pattern coming out soon-ish. I'm hoping to have the giveaway posted near the end of the week, so wish me luck on that! This pattern is a bit different from the other ones that I've done, so I hope you will all enjoy it!

Whew! Now that we're all caught up, I have a lot of work to do!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds exciting. Cute picture of your son. I just posted pictures of our Christmas.
