Monday, May 24, 2010

Finally a bake

Whew! My patterns are done! More on that tomorrow...

image from 100 Perfect Desserts

Today, I'll share with you a great book I got for my birthday. I'm not sure if this is the most "perfect" shortbread ever, but I'm not one to judge. I don't even really like shortbread. It was the first recipe in the book and quick to whip up. I will say that I do enjoy measuring ingredients with a scale versus the measuring cup route. Plus, you don't loose count like, was that 3 cups or 4? It's so hard to keep count sometimes with children underfoot...I'm excited to work my way through the book.

Nevertheless, they turned out beautiful. The kids love them and there isn't a lot of sugar in them-so win, win.

The real reason I got the cookbook was for the red wine chocolate cake! I need some red currant jelly to make that though...Whole Foods is my second to last resort on that one.

And don't you just love the mini latte bowls? They were another birthday gift. Latte bowls are my weakness. I could have five in every color.

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