Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A New Toy for Me!

Are you guys on the preferred mailing list for JoAnns? The newest mailer had a scratchy coupon on the back. There were different values that you could get off ranging from 20% to 80%. I casually scratched off my gold seal as the dish water was running to reveal 80% off!

I was totally excited...I never win the highest value like that. It's always the 20% category for me.

Anyhow, I immediately turned off the dish water because I had to plan on what I would get with this 80% off coupon! Of course, like all the rest the coupons, it had to be a full price item.

I had a game plan for going to JoAnns when I went out, figuring the entire store was going to be on some sort of discount and I'd get a .20 spool of thread.

Anyhow, I had my eyes set on an adjustable dress form. I really deliberated between the two in the store and settled on the Project Runway dress form...

Everything worked out as planned-even better! The dress form was NOT on sale. Project Runway items were not excluded on the coupon, and there was a dress form IN STOCK in the next town over saving me from paying shipping fees! I got this baby home and set up all for about $80! Without the coupon plus shipping charges, this thing would have run me about $370. Woohoo!

And just a heads up: The manager at JoAnns said they were going to be running this sort of scratch off coupon through the holiday season so watch closely!

How did you all do with your scratch offs?


  1. Eeek! I still haven't gotten mine in the mail....I'm on the lookout now!

  2. Lucky! Congrats! Mine was only worth 40%.

  3. How do you get on the preferred mailing list? I get the plain jane ones, with no scratch off! :(

  4. Now that you've had this dressform for a while, how do you like it? I'm looking into buying a dressform, but I have no idea where to begin.
