It is getting cold up here. It snowed one day last week, but the ground was too warm for it to have stuck. I will admit, I was a bit disappointed. I've braced myself for long months of winter and I am ready, so the snow would just complete it.
I do love the snuggling that comes with winter. Crawling under a blanket with a good book, or your sweetie, or both if you're lucky! I've been trying to relax a bit more after the kids are in bed. I used to read a lot, when I had more time. I'm sure many of us moms say that...and honestly, there is time if you want there to be. You just have to sacrifice other things to have time to read....like tv time. (I do like my tv time though!)
Most recently I snuggled up with SeaChange by Jeremey Page. It's a tragic story about loss, and
finding oneself despite of it. It takes place out on the sea
for the most part which is the perfect setting in relating to Guy,
the narrator. After losing his wife and daughter as a result of
a freak accident, he finds himself sort of "adrift" on the
sea. While Guy learns to find himself, in this new life, he
carries his wife and daughter with him through a series of journal
entries, sort of writing an alternate ending for them. I've
never really lost anyone so close to me, but I can understand how Guy
struggles with not being able to let go. Ironically, I think
it's what keeps him from moving on. Rather than grounding his reality I believe that allowing himself these false, interior monologues is really impending on his future growth.
The book is beautifully written. It is
very lyrical and descriptive, something I love in a novel. I had a
really hard time reading the book though. I was shocked at the level
of detail Guy gave to the death of his daughter that every time he
would bring it up I could feel his pain. It made me really
uncomfortable and I would want to stop reading at every mention of
her. At first, I tried to compliment Page's ability to make me hurt
in a way similar to Guy but eventually, I just grew annoyed at him
for beginning the story in the manner that he did. I think he should have chosen specific passages in which to use his strong, lyrical talent. I felt that it would drag the story unnecessarily.
Sea Change is a great maritime
novel for those of you into that sort of thing, so if you're thick
skinned, I'd recommend checking it out. If you do, let me know what
you think of it!
I was compensated for this BlogHer Book Club review but all opinions expressed are my own.
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